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Always Will by Heather Barton (SCO) 32 Count 4 Wall
Absolute Beginner Dance

Intro: 56 Counts, Start at approx. 24 secs on main Vocals

Alternate Music: If Anything’s Left by Jamie Fine
Intro: 8 Counts, Start at approx. 4 secs

SEC 1 Walk x3, Point, Back x3, Point
1-2 Step right forward, step left forward
3-4 Step right forward, point left to left
5-6 Step left back, step right back
7-8 Step left back, point right to right

SEC 2 ¼ Jazzbox, Side, Point, Side, Point
1-2 Cross right over left, turn ¼ right step left back (3:00)
3-4 Step right to right, step left beside right
5-6 Step right to right, point left over right
7-8 Step left to left, point right over left

SEC 3 Grapevine, Touch, Grapevine, Touch
1-2 Step right to right, step left behind right
3-4 Step right to right, touch left beside right
5-6 Step left to left, step right behind left
7-8 Step left to left, touch right beside left

SEC 4 K-Step
1-2 Step right forward to right diagonal, touch left beside right
3-4 Step left back to left diagonal, touch right beside left
5-6 Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right
7-8 Step left forward to left diagonal, touch right beside left

5 AUG '23 100