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Austin by Dasha (CAN) - 32 Count 1 Wall
Beginner Dance

(note: in my YouTube tutorial, it states 2 wall but it is only 1 wall)

Start: On lyrics, “Did your boots…”

1,2 R heel, L heel
3&4& R heel, lift R foot in front of L leg, R heel, lift R foot behind L leg
Optional: tap heel with L hand when lifting R leg
5,6,7,8 Two half turns starting with stepping forward with R foot and turning L
Optional: swing either arm like lasso rope while turning

1,2,3,4 R grapevine with final step a jump together (step R foot out, L behind, R out and end with jumping feet together 1st position)
5,6,7,8 Repeat going to the L

1,2,3,4 Double R heel, double L heel
5,6,7,8 R toe & R heel, L toe & L heel

1,2,3,4 Two half turns starting with stepping forward with L foot and turning R
Box Step
5,6,7,8 Box step – bring L foot in front of R, step R foot back, L foot back and bring R foot in (1st position)

Submitted by: TrebleThreat - Email: