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Can I Get A Hallelujah by Tracey Fiorini (CAN) 32 Count 2 Wall
Improver Dance

Start on lyrics – 16 counts

Right toe heel stomp, Left toe heel stomp, Rock right cross, Rock left cross
1 & 2 right foot – toe, heel and stomp in front
3 & 4 left foot – toe, heel and stomp in front
5 & 6 step right foot out to the side, rock and recover across in front of left foot
7 & 8 step left foot out to the side, rock and recover across in front of right foot

Right weave, Rock out and cross, Step left, Sailor right, Step right, Sailor Left, 1/4 turn left
1 & 2 & step right, left behind, right, left in front
3 & 4 shift weight on right, back onto left and right foot across left in front
5, 6 & step left and swing right foot behind, transfer weight to right and back to left
7, 8 & step right and swing left foot behind while turning 1/4 over the left shoulder, transfer weight to left and back to right.

Left Step lock, shuffle forward, Rock recover, Shuffle back
1, 2 step lock with the left
3 & 4 shuffle forward with the left foot
5, 6 rock forward on the right foot, recover on the left
7 & 8 shuffle backwards with the right foot

Toe pivot 1/2 turn left, Shuffle right, Step left 1/4 turn right, Cross and point right
1, 2 take left foot and point toe beside right foot and pivot 1/2 turn over left shoulder
3 & 4 shuffle forward on the right foot
5, 6 step left and 1/4 turn over the right shoulder
7, 8 cross left foot over the right and point right foot out to the side

Tag at the end of wall 3 – stomp right and left
