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Homecoming by Lee Hamilton (SCO) 32 Count 4 Wall
Beginner Dance

Intro: 32 Counts (approx. 16s)

Section 1 [1-8] R Chasse, Rock Back, Recover, L Chasse, Rock Back, Recover
1&2 Step R to R side (1), Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side (2)
34 Rock back on L (3), Recover on R (4)
5&6 Step L to L side (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L to L side (6)
78 Rock back on R (7), Recover on L (8) 12:00

Section 2 [9-16] R Grapevine With Cross, Point R, Cross R, Point L, Step Fwd L
1 2 3 4 Step R to R side (1), Step L behind R (2), Step R to R side (3), Cross L over R (4)
5 6 Point R out to R side (5), Cross R over L (6)
7 8 Point L out to L side (7), Step fwd on L (8) 12:00

Section 3 [17-24] R Heel Grind ¼ Turn R, Rock Back, Recover, Step R, Brush L, Step L, Brush R
1 Rock fwd on R heel twisting R toe from L to R making ¼ turn R (1) 3:00
2 3 4 Recover on L (2), Rock back on R (3), Recover on L (4)
5 6 Step fwd on R (5), Brush L beside R (6)
7 8 Step fwd on L (7), Brush R beside L (8)

Section 4 [25-32] V-Step, Touch R Side, Touch R Fwd, Touch R Side, Flick R Behind
1 2 Step R fwd to R diagonal (1), Step L fwd to L diagonal (2)
3 4 Step back on R (3), Step L beside R (4)
5 6 Touch R to R side (5), Touch R fwd (6)
7 8 Touch R to R side (7), Flick R behind L (8) 3:00

Have fun!


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