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Texas Hold Em by Guylaine Bourdages (CAN) 32 Count 4 Wall
Improver Dance

Intro: 24 counts

SECTION 1. [1-8] RF Forward Samba Step, LF Kick Ball-change, LF Forward Samba Step, Kick-Ball-change
1&2 RF Forward, Rock Step LF to left, Recover on RF (Turn slightly your body to the right)
3&4 Kick LF Forward, Ball of LF slightly back, transfer weight on RF
5&6 LF Forward, Rock Step RF to right, Recover on LF (Turn slightly your body to the left)
7&8 Kick RF Forward, Ball of RF slightly back, transfer weight on LF

SECTION 2. [9-16] Cross, 1/4R LF Back, RF Coaster, Paddle Turn 3/4L
1-2 RF cross in front of LF, 1/4R LF back (3H)
3&4 RF back, LF beside RF, RF forward
5&6&7&8 LF forward, Ball of RF to slightly right , LF on place Ball of RF to slightly right LF on place, Ball of RF to slightly right, LF forward (By turning 3/4L) (6H)
TAG 4 counts on wall 2: Jazz Box RF cross in front of LF, LF back, RF to right, LF forward
Restart from the beginning

SECTION 3. [17-24] Cross, side, Behind Side Cross, Side Hook (behind), Side Kick, Behind, Side Cross
1-2 RF cross in front of LF, LF to left
3&4 RF cross behind LF, LF to left, RF cross in front of LF
5&6& LF to left, Hook RF behind left leg, RF to right, Kick LF in left diag forward
7&8 LG cross behind RF, RF to right, LF cross in front of RF

SECTION 4. [25-32] Rock Step RF to right (Hip Sway), 1/2L Rock Step RF to right with 1/4L, Jazz Box
1-2 RF to right, Recover on LF (Hip sway)
3-4 Pivot 1/2L, Rock RF to right, 1/4L transfer weight on LF forward
5-8 RF cross in front of LF, LF back, RF to right, LF forward

TAG 4 counts on wall 2: Jazz Box RF cross in front of LF, LF back, RF to right, LF forward
Restart from the beginning


Last Update – 15 Feb. 2024 – R1

2024 4 MAR 1 25 MAR '24 50