Bow Valley Line Dance Club

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Barefoot Blue Jean Night by Kathy Verkamp (USA) - August 2011
40 Count 2 Wall Improver Dance

LineDance Entertainment

Barefoot Blue Jean Night by Kathy Verkamp (USA) - August 2011 40 Count 2 Wall Improver Dance
S1: Right mambo cross, left mambo cross, quarter turn right step, lock, step, half pivot, step
1&2 Right foot rock to the side, recover to left foot, cross right foot over left foot
3&4 Left foot rock to the side, recover to right foot, cross left foot over the right
5&6 Quarter turn to the right, step right foot, lock left foot behind, step right foot forward
7&8 Step left foot forward, pivot half to the right, weight to the right foot, step left foot forward

S2: Repeat part one

S3: Kick and point and point and point hitch, Left cross mambo, right cross mambo
1&2&34& Kick right foot forward, bring right foot back with weight and point left foot to the side, left foot in and point right foot to the side, and right foot in and point left foot to the side, hitch left knee
5&6 Left foot cross over right, recover on right, step left foot to side
7& 8 Right foot cross over left, recover on left, step right foot to side

S4: Repeat above sequence on opposite sides
1&2&3&4& Kick left foot forward, bring left foot back with weight and point right foot to the side, right foot in and point left foot to the side, and left foot in and point right foot to the side, hitch right knee
5&6 Right foot cross over left, recover on the left, step right foot to side
7&8 Left foot cross over right, recover on right, step left foot to side

S5: Left quarter pivot cross, right quarter pivot step, forward mambo step back, back mambo step forward
1&2 Right foot step forward, pivot quarter turn left, weight to left foot, cross right over left
3&4 Left foot side, pivot quarter turn right , weight to right foot, step left foot forward
5&6 Right foot forward, weight to left, step back right
7&8 Left foot back, weight to right, left foot forward