Dance The Line

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Guy For That by Roger (leftfoot) Hunter (USA) - July 2024
32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Dance

Intro: 32 counts from beat No tags or restarts

S-1)Rock Recover Step 1/2 Step 1/2 Walk Walk
1-4 rock back on R(1)recover on L(2)step R forward(3)pivot 1/2 turn L on L(4)
5-8 step R forward(5)pivot 1/2 turn L on L(6)step R forward(7)step L forward(8)

S-2)Out Out In In Sway Sway
1-2 step R forward and out on diagonal(1)step L forward and out on diagonal(2)
3-4 Step R back(3)step L back next to R(4)
5-8 rock R to R(5)recover on L(6)rock R to R(7)recover on L(8)

S-3)Jaz Box W/Cross Monterey 1/4 Turn
1-4 cross R over L(1)step L back(2)step R to R(3)cross L over R(4)
5-6 point R to R(5)step R next to L pivoting L 1/4 R(6)
7-8 point L to L(7)step L next to R(8)

S-4)Side Behind Side Cross Rock Recover Side Cross Side
1-4 step R to R(1)step L behind R(2)step R to R(3)cross rock L over R(4)
5-8 recover on R(5)step L to L(6)cross R over L(7)step L to L(8)