Latin Fusion by Scott Blevins (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - September 2021 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Dance
LineDance Entertainment
Latin Fusion by Scott Blevins (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - September 2021 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Dance
#16 count intro
[1-8] FWD, MAMBO w/SWEEP, BEHIND, ANGLE, FWD, MAMBO, ¼ FWD, ½ BACK 1,2&31) Step R forward; 2) Rock L forward; &) Recover to R; 3) Step L back sweeping R back 4&54) Step R behind L; &) Step L forward on a diagonal toward 10:30; 5) Step R forward [10:30] 6&76) Rock L forward; &) Recover to R; 7) Step L back squaring up to 12:00 8&8) Turn ¼ right stepping R forward; &) Turn ½ right stepping L back [9:00]
[9-16] ½ FWD, ¼ ROCK, ¼ RCVR, TRIPLE FWD, ¼ ROCK, RCVR, CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, ¼ FWD 11) Turn ½ right stepping R forward [3:00] 2-32) Turn ¼ right rocking L to left and looking left; 3) Turn ¼ right recovering to R [9:00] 4&5(4&5) Locking triple forward L-R-L 6&76) Turn ¼ left rocking R to right; &) Recover to L; 7) Step R across L [6:00] &8&(&) Step L to left; 8) Step R behind L; &) Turn ¼ left stepping L forward [3:00] *Restart will happen here in the 5th rotation. You will be facing the original 3:00 wall.
[17-24] FWD w/SWEEP, FALL AWAY, PRESS, RECOVER, SIDE, PRESS, RECOVER, SIDE 1,2&31) Step R forward sweeping L forward; 2) Step L across R; &) Step R to right; 3) Step L back toward 7:30 [1:30] 4&54) Step R back; &) Squaring up to 12:00 step L to left; 5) Press R forward slightly across L circling hips clockwise [12:00] 6&76) Recover to L; &) Small step R to right; 7) Press L forward slightly across R circling hips counter clockwise 8&8) Recover to R; &) Small step L to left
[25-32] BOTA FOGO 2X, RUN RLR - LRL COMPLETING ¾ CIRCLE TO RIGHT 1a21) Step R forward/across L; a) Rotate slightly right stepping ball of L to left; 2) Return weight to R [12:00] 3a43) Step L forward/across R; a) Rotate slightly left stepping ball of R to right; 4) Return weight to L [12:00] 5-8(5&6 - 7&8) Turning ¾ right run forward RLR - LRL to end at 9:00
Ending: You will start the last rotation facing the original 12:00 wall. Dance through counts 16&, then turn ¼ left to face 12:00 taking a large step R to right dragging L.