Motor Boatin by Lynn Luccisano (USA) - June 2012 32 Count 2 Wall Easy Intermediate Dance
LineDance Entertainment
Motor Boatin by Lynn Luccisano (USA) - June 2012 32 Count 2 Wall Easy Intermediate Dance
16 count intro, start dancing on vocals
ROCK R, RECOVER L, STEP, BEHIND, STEP, ROCK L, RECOVER R, STEP, BEHIND, STEP 1-2, 3&4Rock R to R side, recover on L, step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side 5-6, 7&8Rock L to L side, recover on R, step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side (12:00)
STEP R, PIVOT ¼ L, JAZZ BOX, STEP L, PIVOT ¼ R, JAZZ BOX 1-2, 3&4Step fwd on R, turn ¼ L, cross R over L, step back on L, step R to R side (9:00) 5-6, 7&8Step fwd on L, turn ¼ R, cross L over R, step back on R, step L to L side (12:00) **RESTART HERE ON WALLS 4 & 8
STEP R, LOCK L, SHUFFLE FWD, R,L,R, STEP L, PIVOT ½ R, SHUFFLE FWD L, R, L 1-2, 3&4Step fwd on R, cross L behind R, step fwd R, together L, step fwd R (12:00) 5-6, 7&8Step fwd on L, turn ½ R, step fwd L, together R, step fwd L (6:00)
MAMBO R, MAMBO L, SWAY R, L, R, L 1&2Rock R to R side, recover on L, step R next to left 3&4Rock L to L side, recover on R, step L next to R 5-6-7-8Sway hips R, L, R, L (6:00)
**2 RESTARTS:- Wall 4 begins facing 6:00, dance the first 16 counts then restart Wall 8 begins facing 12:00, dance the first 16 counts then restart