Rude Dude by Mark Paulino (USA) - September 2020 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Dance
Starts around 0:24 seconds in
SCUFF SIDE STEP, HEEL-TOE SWIVELS, ¼ TURN, KICK 1,2R scuff forward, R side step 3,4L heel swivel towards R, L toe swivel towards R 5,6Both feet heel swivel towards R (slightly bend knees), both feet toe swivel to the R (straighten legs) 7,8Both feet heel swivel towards R with a ¼ turn L (slightly bend knees), weight shift on R and left foot kicks forward (straighten legs with momentum going back)
STEP BACK, HOLD, BALL STEP, STEP, ¼ TURN STEP, BALL TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH, REPLACE, SIDE TOUCH 1,2L foot steps back, hold &3,4R ball touch besides L(&), L steps forward(3), stepping forward with R(4) 5,6L steps forward with ¼ turn towards R (weight shift stays on L), R ball touch besides L 7&8R side touch to the R, R steps besides L, L side touch to the L
½ TURN HITCH, STEP BACK, HITCH, STEP BACK, ½ TURN HITCH, STEP BACK, ¼ TURN HITCH, SIDE STEP 1,2L hitch with a ½ turn L, L steps back 3,4R hitch, R steps back 5,6R hitch with a ½ turn L, R steps back 7,8L hitch with a ¼ turn L, L side steps L
CROSS ¼ TURN HEEL GRIND, HEEL SWITCHES, CROSS ¼ TURN HEEL GRIND, HEEL SWITCHS, STEP 1,2Cross R over L with R heel grind ¼ turn to the R &3&4R steps neutral(&), L heel touch forward(3), L steps neutral(&), R heel touch forward(4) &5,6R steps neutral(&), cross L over R with L heel grind ¼ turn to the L &7&8&L steps neutral(&), R heel touch forward(3), R steps neutral(&), L heel touch forward(8), L steps neutral(&)
Alternative country song to use is Aaron Watson - Freight Train