Springsteen by Gail Smith (USA) 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Dance
INTRO: 16 Counts
WALKS, HEEL SWITCHES, BALL, WALK, WALK, HEEL SWITCHES 1 - 2Step right forward, step left forward 3 & 4Tap right heel forward, step right next to left, tap left heel forward & 5 - 6Step left next to right, step right forward, Step left forward 7 & 8Tap right heel forward, step right next to left, tap left heel forward 12:00
FORWARD ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE BACKWARD, BACKWARD WALKS, COASTER CROSS & 1 - 2Step left next to right, rock right forward, recover on left 3 & 4Step right back, step left together, step right back 5 - 6Step left back, step right back (option - full turn left) 7 & 8Step left back, step right together, step left across right (body is angled right) 1:00
KICK-BALL-CROSSES, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSSING SHUFFLE 1 & 2Kick right forward, step right slightly back, step left across right 3 & 4Kick right forward, step right slightly back, step left across right 5 - 6Rock right out to side, recover to left 7 & 8Step right across left, step left slightly to side, step right across left (body is angled left) 11:00
KICK-BALL-CROSSES, SIDE ROCK, 1/4 RECOVER, SHUFFLE FORWARD 1 & 2Kick left forward, step left slightly back, step right across left 3 & 4Kick left forward, step left slightly back, step right across left 5 - 6Rock left out to side, turn 1/4 right and step right forward 7 & 8Step left forward, step right together, step left forward 3:00 RESTART facing 3:00 on wall 5
STEP, POINT, ROCK, RECOVER, POINT, CROSS, POINT, ROCK, RECOVER, POINT 1 - 2Step right forward, Touch left toe out to side 3 & 4On ball of foot, - rock left crossed behind right, recover to right, touch left toe out to side 5 - 6Step left across right, touch right toe out to side 7 & 8On ball of foot - rock right crossed behind left, recover to left, touch right toe out to side **3:00
1 / 4 SAILOR TURN, 1/2 TURN PIVOT, SHUFFLE, FULL TURN (Option - Walk, Walk) 1 & 21/4 turn right as you bring right foot around & step behind left, step left to side, step right to side 3 - 4Step left forward, pivot 1/2 turn right 5 & 6Step left forward, step right together, step left forward 7 - 8Turn 1/2 over left shoulder and step right back, turn another 1/2 and step left forward 12:00
CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE SHUFFLE, CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, 1/4 TURN SHUFFLE 1 - 2Rock right across left, recover on left 3 & 4Step right to side, step left together, step right to side 5 - 6Rock left across right, recover on right 7 & 8Step left to side, step right together, turn 1/4 left and step left forward 9:00 RESTART facing 12:00 on walls 2, 4 & 6
PIVOT 1/4, CROSSING SHUFFLE, 3/4 TURN RIGHT, & SHUFFLE FORWARD 1 - 2Step right forward, turn 1/4 left 3 & 4Step right across left, step left slightly to side, step right across left 5 - 6Turn 1/4 right step and left back ,turn 1/4 right and step right to side 7 & 8Turn 1/4 right and step left forward, step right together, step left forward 3:00
**If you would like to end facing the front wall, replace Counts 39 & 40 with a 1/2 Sailor turn right
Wall 1 - Start facing 12:00 and end on 3:00
** Wall 2 - Start facing 3:00 and Restart on 12:00 ( after cross rock, 1/4 shuffle - you are now facing 12:00 wall )
Wall 3 - Start facing 12:00 and end on 3:00
**Wall 4 - Start facing 3:00 and Restart on 12:00 ( after cross rock, 1/4 shuffle - you are now facing 12:00 wall )
**Wall 5 - Start facing 12:00 and Restart on 3:00 ( after the side-rock, 1/4 turn, shuffle forward - you are now facing 3:00 wall )
**Wall 6 - Start facing 3:00 and Restart on 12:00 ( after cross rock, 1/4 shuffle - you are now facing 12:00 wall )
Wall 7 - Start facing 12:00 and end on 3:00
Wall 8 - Start facing 3:00, last wall, dance to end of music. Ending option below.
If you want to end facing the front wall - step, point, rock & point, cross point, 1/2 sailor turn right to finish on 12:00
This two wall dance uses the 12:00 & 3:00 walls. You will NEVER start the dance on the 6:00 or 9:00 walls.