Step Right Up by Dancin' Dean (USA) 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Dance
STEP-SLIDE-STEP-TOUCH WITH CLAP (RIGHT AND LEFT) 1-2Step right foot to right side; slide left foot to right foot 3-4Step right foot to right side; touch left foot beside right and clap 5-6Step left foot to left side; slide right foot to left foot 7-8Step left foot to left side; touch right foot beside left and clap
FORWARD TOE TOUCHES, STEPS WITH FINGER SNAPS 9-10Touch right toe slightly forward; step right beside left and snap fingers 11-12Touch left toe slightly forward; step left beside right and snap fingers 13-14Touch right toe slightly forward; step right beside left and snap fingers 15-16Touch left toe slightly forward; step left beside right and snap fingers
FORWARD WALKS WITH KICK, BACKWARD WALKS WITH TOUCH 17-18Walk forward--right foot, left foot 19-20Walk right forward; kick left forward 21-22Walk backward--left foot, right foot 23-24Walk left foot back; touch right toe beside left foot
STEP, CLAP, TURN, CLAP; STEP, CLAP, TURN, CLAP 25-26Step right forward; clap hands 27-28Step left into ¼ turn left; clap hands 29-30Step right forward; clap hands 31-32Step left into ¼ turn left; clap hands