We Cant Wait by Maggie Gallagher (UK) 32 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Dance
Intro: 32 counts, start on the word “swimming” (approx 16 secs)
S1: VINE R, TOUCH, VINE L, TOUCH 1-2Step right to right side, Cross left behind right 3-4Step right to right side, Touch left next to right 5-6Step left to left side, Cross right behind left 7-8Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
S2: OUT, OUT, IN, IN, OUT, OUT, IN, IN 1-2Step right out on right diagonal, Step left out on left diagonal 3-4Step right back to centre, Step left next to right 5-6Step right out on right diagonal, Step left out on left diagonal 7-8Step right back to centre, Step left next to right
S3: ¼ MONTEREY R, WALK, KICK, BACK, TOUCH 1-2Point right to right side, ¼ right stepping right next to left [3:00] 3-4Point left to left side, Step left next to right 5-6Walk forward on right, Kick left forward 7-8Step back on left, Touch right next to left
S4: R FORWARD, TOUCH, L BACK, TOUCH, (BUMP HIPS FORWARD, BUMP HIPS BACK) x2 1-2Step right forward on right diagonal, Touch left next to right 3-4Step back on left on left diagonal, Touch right next to left 5-6Step right slightly forward on right diagonal bumping hips forward, Bump hips back 7-8Bump hips forward, Bump hips back [3:00]
ENDING: At the end of Wall 9, turn ¼ left and step forward on right to finish facing [12:00]